House cleaning while using neem oil for scabies

by Emma

Once I have began treating myself with neem oil (for scabies) do I have to clean my house daily (whilst applying neem oil treatment) until my skin is clear? I'm a bit confused - if neem treats the scabies over time, then should I be cleaning my furniture, bedding, upholstery etc. daily (rather than just once) to avoid re-infesting myself?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I seem to be reading conflicting information on this point.

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Neem oil and scabies
by: Birgit

Hi Emma,

There is no hard and fast answer to this. You would not have to do it daily, but I can also not promise that one single cleaning will eradicate the problem.

The reason you see conflicting advice is that people have very different experiences when treating scabies with neem oil.

I don't know if this is because some mite strains are more susceptible than others, or if it is because some beds and houses just offer so many more opportunities for the scabies mites to hide, or because people clean in so many different ways and may have different ideas of what "thorough" constitutes.

Sorry that I can't give you a precise answer here. Al I can suggest is that you do the best you can, as thoroughly as you can, and repeat if needed as time allows.
Good luck!

by: Blaqshiep

The name of the game is keep population low, limit the amount of objects and rooms to exposure, and make yourself an unviable host. The majority will die without you killing them as long as you quarantine most areas.

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