I used neem seed oil spray as an insecticide while trying to concieve...should I be worried? I

I used neem seed oil spray as an insecticide while trying to conceive... should I be worried? I didn't know the risks. Could you explain how it might effect me or for how long? I just sprayed a couch with neem seed oil spray for dust mites because I thought it was a less toxic choice. For how many cycles might it affect my fertility if I inhaled it? I have been trying to get pregnant and I would like to know the breakdown of the risks. I really appreciate as much detail as you have on the mater.

Comments for I used neem seed oil spray as an insecticide while trying to concieve...should I be worried? I

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Don't worry
by: Birgit

The details that are known are already covered on the site. (Neem and Contraception.)

There have been no studies in humans to evaluate what traces might do. Even in animals there haven't been studies about the effect of traces of neem, or inhaling neem or anything like that.
The studies used either injections or oral application of measurable amounts. And if they saw effects then those were reversible.

The warnings exist because nobody has demonstrated in the lab yet that external use of neem or traces of neem are safe, and not because anybody ever saw a negative effect in humans. I would not expect any effects at all, even if you did inhale traces.

Please don't worry. Of course it still makes sense to avoid neem products, and definitely don't use them internally, but there is no need to panic about exposure to traces.

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