Neem drops for me and my dog

In Kenya I was taking Neem drops as a malaria prophilactic. I noticed that it was working as a mosquito repellent, so back in Europe I decided to try the drops on my dog who is allergic to regular flea and tick repellents.

Two drops on the tongue every morning and four for me and so far we are both free of bites! It takes about a week for the repellent effect to kick in.

Comments for Neem drops for me and my dog

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Neem drops for me and my dog
by: Rosemary Ryan

Can you be more specific about the type of neem drops you took (oil, leaf decoction, etc.)? I understand the oil is not supposed to be taken internally. If it was oil that you used, any particular kind/brand? Any side effects for you or your dog?

Taking neem internally
by: Birgit

Good questions, Rosemary.
I just checked and unfortunately the original poster has neither left a name nor an email address, which means he has not elected to get notified of publication or any comments.
I doubt he will be back to tell us more.

Internal Neem
by: Bj Litsenberger

Neem Leaf, 3X Concentration by Neemaura Naturals Inc, CAN be taken internally (helps kill and keep boils at bay for me) -- and I've been bitten by deer ticks but no lymes symptoms (may or may not have been exposed) - I want to give internally to my dog for possible lymes but not sure on dosage - but she loves it and will lick a drop at a time off my palm

Neem in a young pup against parvo
by: Maryellen

Ok, my Joeee' he followed a chicken being romanced by a duck, ate the poo. PARVO, my biggest fear, happened. So I put together coconut water, neem, hemp oil, fresh squeezed limes juice. He loved it yum yum. Boy, howdy it worked. I followed the treatment thrice daily three days, then twice daily for 5 days, he lived happily a year. I treated him when he ate cat biscuits then he was rolled over by a slow moving vehical. We are both sad.

Standing water
by: Maryellen Walsh

A nice thing to do to standing water it's NEEM CRAZY yet each summer I set up my tub outside to be warmed by the sun. Ahh nice warm bath. When so goes live things I found the water no longer turned green as at the time I was using three oils on me coconut, NEEM, plus one more powerful cancer treater, it keeps on wiping out the growing tenderals of breast cancer, with each bad influence. I lather it on. The cancer shrinks, hey so do sexual, cancerous polyps. They sink in, it hurts like heck, then they die. Use lots for the oil buffers for inside ones please. People say I smell like a pizza box or spaghetti.

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