Neem oil to the rescue

by Diane
(United States)

Well, I am a true testimonial! I have only been using neem seed oil for a short time, since Thursday evening last, and already I notice a big difference. I was exposed to water from a deteriorating water heater carrying well water and the gentleman in whose home I was house sitting had red bumps all over his skin when I met him about a month after I moved in (he was in a nursing home) And by then I was already scratching and showering elsewhere. My scalp has been riddled with parasites and I have used wild oregano oil, internally and externally, and tea tree oil, but still my scalp crawls...

With the neem seed oil, I still get a bit of it, but not half what it was.

I will let you know one I've gotten over this horrible problem. Neem to the rescue!

Comments for Neem oil to the rescue

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by: Birgit

Thanks for writing, Diane. And good luck with getting rid of the last few, whatever horrible things they are.

Hair growth
by: Gay


I bought the neem oil as I was told it was good for my hair. (I seemed to lose quite a bit in the comb and hairbrush each time I combed it, and my hair seemed to stop growing at a certain point.) I can honestly say my hair is feeling great. I still lose some hair, but my hair does feel thicker and appears to be growing quicker.

It might be a bit on the nose, but all the benefits outweigh the smell.

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