by Rosemary Ryan
(Seattle, WA)
I have been giving 950mg of neem leaf capsules twice daily for 3 weeks to my dog to treat skin yeast . The results are impressive. Her skin is less irritated and her coat is softer and shinier. But in the next few weeks she should come into season and I am contemplating breeding her. (She has a superb pedigree, is in good health, and is a well-conformed show dog.) Her bloodwork shows no evidence of internal infections.
Will this dose prevent conception?
What is the mechanism? Will it prevent ovulation, act as a spematocide, or ???
How long before she comes into season should I suspend administration?
Outside of the question of conception, is neem powder something I can safely give my dogs long-term to prevent yeast and maintain a healthy coat? At what dosage?
Given that my main concern is skin and coat, is topical treatment with the oil preferred to ingested powder?
What would be the best mode of using a topical and with what frequency?
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