Do you use neem oil or neem products? Submit a short review and tell us about the results.
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Click below to read about other readers' experiences with neem oil and neem products.
Neem oil and neem oil products WORK!
I started making and using neem products a few years ago. I also use goats milk in most products, I can not tell you how many emails I get every week letting …
You name it, neem can fix it
Neem in my country is called Murubaini and this has been one herb that has helped me during a lot of different illnesses. I hate the bitterness but I love …
Neem Oil - A Miracle Cure
About 6-7 years ago I had a strange itchy red rash develop on my knee and I thought it was Ring Worm. The Doctor's treated me for Ring Worm but the cream …
Neem seed oil on toenail infection
My 7 y year old daughter had an ingrown toenail that developed a painful bacterial infection. Her second toe was angry, red, swollen and had a blister …
Gum Dis-ease and Neem Toothpaste
During the first week of February 2011 I visited my dentist for an annual checkup and the possibility of having partial dentures. My mouth was x-rayed …
Love Neem Oil!
I made a neem oil mix: 500ml warm water,10ml detergent, 10ml pure neem oil. Have been spraying this in the evenings on my vegie garden. It has taken a …
Neem spray controls pear and cherry slug
I have had great success in making up my own neem spray to use on my pear, cherry, plum and ornamental cherry trees. I am a soap maker and therefore I …
Positive Results With Neem Products For Scabies, Acne and Asthma
I first found out about neem after suffering from scabies due to working in a healthcare facility where there was an outbreak. I searched the internet …
Neem oil saved my skin
I had an infection ie. ulcer like sores on my legs and arms from Golden Staph. Doctors prescribed antibiotics which healed the Golden Staph but the ulcers …
NASA scientists find a smell worse than Neem oil
My boyfriend recently purchased Neem oil online, hence we never had the opportunity to experience it's glorious smell before he acquired a litre of this …
Neem oil in fruit orchard
I have a small orchard of 17 fruit trees. This year I couldn't find the spray I would usually use, which was a blend of Malathion, which kills spider mites, …
Neem oil worked great for strawberry fungus
I'm a beginning-moderately experienced gardener. I planted about 50 strawberry plants in a variety of containers for myself and my son to munch on, since …
Success with neem oil for impetigo
Over the past few year I've had a problem with a skin infection called impetigo. One of my friends told me that if I use Neem infused olive oil on said …
Benefits of neem leaves
Neem leaves are used to treat chickenpox and warts by directly applying to the skin in a paste form or by bathing in water with neem leaves.
In order …
Neem Oil for hair
I started dying my hair when I was about 12-13, now I am 21 and my hair is pretty darned damaged. I have split ends, it's frizzy and weak with no shine. …
Margo Brand Neem Soap
Truly amazing! I really didn't think I would like this neem soap because most herbal or "alternative" remedies don't work as well as other things. I …
Acne, Bacne, the Random Blemish, an inflamed Labret Piercing and Head Lice to Boot!
This is my life and I am paying attention. I've used neem oil on myself for years, but now I get to use it on the whole family.
The past few months …
Drinking Neem Leaves
I've been drinking Neem Tea for over a year and yes this is an awesome herb for me in the morning and evening. Instead of drinking a cup of coffee I drink …
Neem Tea is Good
I am using neem leaf extract / neem tea (boil the neem leaf in pure water) and drink it once a day. I think I am comfortable and my cholesterol, sugar …
Neem Neem every road has Neem
Here a report from the Kingdom of Bahrain
Neem is a tree that is found in almost every neighbourhood however it seems that only the older people here …
Neem for my laundry
I came across a laundry detergent brand by the name Henko that has Neem extracts added to it.
It's fantastic. Not only clean but germ free clothes too. …
Great Results From Neem
I live in the Bahamas and have a friend who owns an organic Neem farm. I have been buying the neem cake from him for the last two years and have started …
Fools jump in ...
I sell Neem products. A customer bought a bottle of Pure Neem Oil on the internet and emptied the bottle on his head.
He wrote me an irate email saying …
Ugly skin and mole gone because of neem oil
I always felt ugly because of my skin and my huge ugly mole on my face. My face was full of open pores, darks spots and flakes.
I tried everything, …
Neem oil on parasitic skin conditions
I love neem oil... I used cold pressed pure neem oil on my ringworm. It took a little longer than the antifungal cream from the chemist but with persistence …
Neem for warts
Neem oil has got rid of my warts.
Neem oil to the rescue
Well, I am a true testimonial! I have only been using neem seed oil for a short time, since Thursday evening last, and already I notice a big difference. …
Little White Flies
I had an infestation of little white flies in my winter garden. Diazanon did nothing to inhibit their growth. I found Neem oil on the internet and used …
Neem Insect Repellent
Disappointed! This does not prevent midge bites as stated in the advertising information. I purchased a neem spray and have used it in various parts …